Hey @ll
I have now bought Calman home for samsung as ColourSpace ZRO is getting on my last nerve. Whether I think I found out something this morning for the HDR 20 points calibrate, and then I had to work. But more on that in another thread perhaps. I just can't get a ColourSpace connection to PGenerator on a raspberry pi 400. The only thing that works is with a 1.5m USB C cable directly to the PC USB. But over router or wifi it is absolutely not possible. Wifi is not a choice for me either way.
I can ping the raspberry pi when it is only connected in lan with putty without packet loss.
I can connect the raspberry pi with PGenerator and Calman without any problem ONLY ColourSpace can't get it to connect.
I have disabled the router and windows firewall for testing and also added ColourSpace to the windows firewall but still no connection is possible. When I click on connect it immediately turns green and it says Available in the bar, that's it. I attach pictures.
This can ONLY be caused by ColourSpace. What else could you try? About USB C directly to the PC is s*** because only a 1.5m cable goes everything that is over 1.5m delivers too little power. I had once borrowed a USB hub and connected what has grilled my Raspberry pi. And I was lucky to exchange it.
So bomb everything you know into this thread as it seems I'm not the only one with the problem.
ColourSpace and PGenerator developers don't take my post personally if it doesn't click nicely. Sometimes you can use the nicest words and the translation makes it unkind to me after reading in English.
With love and best regards
Only network server
| PGen Lan CP Auto
| PGen lan CP Custom
PGen Lan CP off
| PGen NET
| |
Samsung GQ65QB95B, Denon AVR-X 3400H, ColourSpace ZRO+PGenerator 1.5 auf Raspberry Pi® 400, HDMI-Glasfaserkabel Playstation 5, XBOX Series X.
HIFI calibrated with laser rangefinder, decibel meter and Audyssey Multi EQ Editor. Unfortunately, I have to use a translation tool, [color=red]so sorry if something cannot be understood correctly[/color].