Light Illusion partners with many of the industry's best hardware manufacturers.
Manufacturing partnerships enable ColourSpace to be used for full closed-loop colour management, ensuring accurate colour matching for the whole image path for both professional and home cinema users.
Colour Measurement Probes
The better the probe, the more accurate the ColourSpace calibration

The Admesy range of probes are fully integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to the industries highest quality probes for display calibration.

The in-built probe within selected ProArt range monitors from ASUS is integrated into ColourSpace, providing direct access for ASUS monitor calibration.

The BasICColor DISCUS probe is integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to a quality tristimulus, at comparatively low price point, for display calibration.

The Colorimetry Research range of probes are fully integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to the industries highest quality probes for display calibration.

The Spyder range of probes from DataColor are integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to cost effective probes for display calibration.

The in-built probe within selected Dell monitors is integrated into ColourSpace, providing direct access for Dell monitor calibration.

The in-built probe within selected CG range monitors from EIZO is integrated into ColourSpace, providing direct access for EIZO monitor calibration.

The Jeti range of spectro probes are all integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to quality spectrometers, ideal for pre- calibration of tristimulus probes for direct display calibration.

The Klein K10-A and K80 tristimulus probes are fully integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to two of the industries highest quality tristimulus probes for display calibration.

Selected probes from Konica Minolta are integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to high-quality probes for display calibration.

The MYIRO-1 spectro is integrated into ColourSpace, ideal for pre- calibration of tristimulus probes for direct display calibration.

Selected PhotoResearch probes are integrated into ColourSpace, providing access to a range of high-end probes for display calibration.

The Qalif spectro is integrated into ColourSpace, ideal for pre- calibration of tristimulus probes for direct display calibration.

The UPRtek range of portable Spectrometers are integrated into ColourSpace, ideal for pre- calibration of tristimulus probes for direct display calibration.
Grading Systems
ColourSpace integrated grading systems for Closed Loop calibration

To assist with fully automated profiling and calibration for Assimilate Scratch Light Illusion has developed a free plug-in that enables direct interfacing with ColourSpace, enabling any Scratch system within a facility to be accurately profiled and calibrated, either to different displays, or to a known industry standard, or to an accurate film print. Scratch Plug-ins are available for Windows and Mac based Scratch systems.

Blackmagic Design have fully integrated ColourSpace with their DaVinci Resolve dailies, online editing, grading and finishing system to enable closed-loop calibration, with Resolve displaying the required calibration colour patches on demand from ColourSpace.
(See limitations on the BMD Resolve User Guide page.)

SGO have integrated ColourSpace into their Mistika grading system, without the need for any plug-in. This direct interface enables any Mistika system within a facility to be accurately profiled and calibrated, either to different displays, to a known industry standard, or to an accurate film print.
ColourSpace integrated displays for high-accuracy calibration

Light Illusion has worked closely with ASUS to provide fully integrated display calibration and patch generation for ASUS ProArt monitors, enabling ColourSpace to automatically calibrate and upload any LUT directly into the monitor.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with selected BenQ monitors with 3D LUT capability, providing a high level of final calibration accuracy that exceeds previous BenQ calibration.

To enable automated profiling and calibration of their monitors, Desview have integrated ColourSpace for closed-loop calibration of their broadcast monitors.

Light Illusion has worked closely with Canon to provide fully integrated monitors calibration and patch generation for Canon's professional reference range of monitors, enabling ColourSpace to automatically calibrate and upload any LUT directly into Canon monitors.

Convergent Design enables ColourSpace to correct the monitors in the Odyssey7 and Odyssey7Q systems. This monitor correction is applied in real time using 3D LUTs generated by ColourSpace.

Craltech have integrated ColourSpace into their professional broadcast monitor range, enabling automatic calibration, with LUT upload via USB stick.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with Dell's monitors with 3D LUT capability for closed-loop calibration, providing a high level of calibration accuracy. Using ColourSpace provides a level of calibration that exceeds Dell's own monitor calibration capabilities.

Dolby have fully integrated ColourSpace into their professional reference monitor PRM range, enabling automatic calibration and LUT upload directly into the monitor.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with EIZO monitors for closed-loop calibration of their 3D LUT compatible ColorEdge monitors, providing a high level of calibration accuracy. Using ColourSpace provides a level of calibration that exceeds EIZO's inbuilt calibration capabilities.

Flanders Scientific have adopted ColourSpace for closed-loop calibration of their high-end monitors, providing a high level of calibration accuracy, both during manufacture, as well as enabling users to re-calibrate as and when needed.

To provide fully automated profiling and calibration Konvision have adopted ColourSpace for closed-loop calibration of their range of professional monitors, providing an unmatched level of calibration accuracy within factory production as for user recalibration.

To provide fully automated profiling and calibration Kroma have integrated ColourSpace for closed-loop calibration of their range of professional monitors, both during manufacture, as well as enabling users to re-calibrate as and when needed.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with selected LG Pro monitors with 3D LUT capability, providing a high level of final calibration accuracy that exceeds previous LG Pro calibration capabilities.

As part of their development and manufacturing process Lilliput have adopted ColourSpace for all calibration and colour management work, with the intent of offering full ColourSpace integration to end users.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with NEC's PA Series monitors, providing a high level of final calibration accuracy that exceeds previous NEC calibration capabilities.

Osee have adopted ColourSpace for factory calibration of their 3D LUT capable monitors. Unfortunately user recalibration is not possible as Osee have not released their ColourSpace integration.

Plura have fully integrated within their professional broadcast monitors, providing a high level of professional calibration accuracy.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with Postium's monitors with 3D LUT capability, providing a high level of professional calibration accuracy.

Ruige have adopted ColourSpace for high level of calibration accuracy of their monitors, replacing their previous use of Calman as their in-house calibration system.

SanWarm use ColourSpace for in-house calibration of their 3D LUT capable monitors, providing a high level of calibration accuracy.

Zunzheng are the China based manufacturing partner to Flanders Scientific, and as such all Zunzheng monitors are fully ColourSpace compatible.
(Within China it is only possible to purchase Zunzheng monitors, not FSI.)

Zorenview, part of Shenzhen Pixel Dynamic Technology, use ColourSpace for in-house calibration of their professional broadcast monitors, including end user LUT generation and monitor import for calibration and Look LUTs.
LUT Boxes & Video Processors
ColourSpace compatible LUT boxes for display calibration & look management

65Cubed have integrated ColourSpace into their CubedPro system to enable outdoor commercial LED displays to look their best regardless of the time of day or night, while at the same time reducing energy costs and extending their life.

ColourSpace is fully compatible with AJA's LUT Boxes, including the FS-HDR converter and frame synchronizer, enabling any ColourSpace generated LUT to be used within any image path within which any AJA LUT Box is used. ColourSpace is also directly integrated with ColorBox, enabling direct LUT Upload and control.

ColourSpace is fully compatible with all Atomos systems that are 3D LUT capable, enabling any ColourSpace generated LUT to be used within any image path within which any Atomos system is used.

ColourSpace is fully compatible with Blackmagic Design's Teranex Mini boxes, enabling ColourSpace generated LUT to be used within any image path within which the Teranex Mini is used.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with Brompton Technology's Tessera LED video wall processors, enabling ColourSpace to profile and calibrate any Tessera controlled video wall.

The Cine-tal Davio LUT Box is fully integrated with ColourSpace. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately profile and calibrate any displays for high-end DI and grading operations.

To provide high-level calibration for HDMI based professional and Home Cinema users Light Illusion has partnered with Entertainment Experience to integrate their eeColor LUT Box with ColourSpace. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to generate accurate calibration for any displays via LUTs loaded into the eeColor LUT box.

Flanders Scientific have adopted ColourSpace for closed-loop profiling and LUT operation via their BoxIO Colour Management device, enabling ColourSpace to be used to generate accurate calibration for any displays via LUTs loaded into BoxIO.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with Megapixel VR's Helios LED video wall processors, enabling ColourSpace to profile and calibrate any Helios controlled video wall.

The TVlogic IS-mini LUT box is fully integrated with ColourSpace to enable accurate profiling and calibration of any displays, with the required calibration colour patches being displayed on demand from ColourSpace via the IS-mini.

To provide fully automated profiling and calibration specifically for Home Cinema users Light Illusion has partnered with Lumagen to integrate their Radiance LUT Boxes with ColourSpace. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately profile and calibrate any displays via the Lumagen Radiance LUT boxes.

madVR Labs have adopted ColourSpace as their default calibration system to provide fully automated calibration for Home Cinema users. The direct interface to madRV Envy enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately calibrate any displays via the Envy video processor.

To provide fully automated profiling and calibration Pandora integrated ColourSpace into their Pluto LUT Box. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately profile and calibrate any displays for high-end grading operations.

To assist with fully automated profiling and calibration Tcube have integrated ColourSpace into their Fig LUT Display Box. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately profile and calibrate any displays for high-end grading operations.

ColourSpace is fully compatible with all Teradek Colr systems that are 3D LUT capable, enabling any ColourSpace generated LUT to be used within any image path within which any Teradek system is used.

Zunzheng are the China based manufacturing partner to Flanders Scientific, and as such all Zunzheng LUT Boxes are fully ColourSpace compatible.
(Within China it is only possible to purchase Zunzheng LUT Boxes, not FSI.)
Home Cinema
ColourSpace integrated home cinema systems for Closed Loop calibration

ColourSpace is fully integrated into Home Theatre PC software madVR, enabling display profiling and LUT upload to be controlled directly from ColourSpace.
Test Patch & Signal Generators
ColourSpace integrated test patch generators for Closed Loop display calibration

To enable fully automated profiling, specifically for Home Cinema users, Light Illusion has partnered with AccuPel to integrate their test patch generators with ColourSpace. This integration enables direct closed-loop calibration of any connected display.

ColourSpace is fully integrated with AJA's ColorBox, enabling patch generation for display profiling via ColourSpace. This integration enables direct closed-loop calibration of any connected display.

Light Illusion has partnered with DVDO to fully integrate ColourSpace with their AVLab TPG signal and patch generator, to enable full closed-loop profiling of any display connected to the DVDO AVLab signal generator.

The Flanders Scientific BoxIO Colour Management device can be used as a patch generator for display profiling via ColourSpace. This integration enables direct closed-loop calibration of any connected display.

For many profiling operations there is no need for any external patch generator, as the inbuilt Patch Generator within ColourSpace can be used directly. Additionally, a Calibration Client Java App can be download via the Customer Downloads page, and can be installed onto any additional PC/Mac/Linux system to enable direct profiling of any remote display.

To provide fully automated profiling and calibration specifically for Home Cinema users Light Illusion has partnered with Lumagen to integrate their Radiance LUT Boxes with ColourSpace. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately profile and calibrate any displays via the Lumagen Radiance LUT boxes.

madVR Labs have partnered with Light Illusion to integrate their Envy LUT Box with ColourSpace. This direct interface enables ColourSpace to be used to accurately profile and calibrate any displays via the Envy LUT box test patch generator.

To enable fully automated profiling, specifically for Home Cinema users, Murideo has partnered with Light Illusion to integrate their Fresco SIX-G generator with ColourSpace. This integration enables direct closed-loop calibration of any connected display.

The IS-mini LUT Box (not the 4K version!) can be used as a patch generator for display profiling via ColourSpace. This integration enables direct closed-loop calibration of any connected display.