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i1 PRO 2 and projector calibration

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Author Margus
#1 | Posted: 7 Feb 2013 20:20 
I have really newbie question.

As i'm really beginner with all the calibration stuff.

How i would set up i1 PRO 2 for projector calibration?

Just put it on stand in front of big screen to look in to the projector?

Author Steve

#2 | Posted: 7 Feb 2013 20:31 
Yep, that's the basics with the i1 Pro 2.
Just be a couple of meters from the screen, with the probe pointing at the rough centre of the screen.
Make sure there are no shadows caused by the probe and tripod.

With monitors,you can use contact mode.


Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Margus
#3 | Posted: 7 Feb 2013 20:39 


I will give it a go tomorrow.

Author Harry
#4 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 11:42 
Steve, I guess, Margus was thinking about aiming the probe faced to Projector ... ?

That's also my way I prefer for calibration, because of ideal dark reading results, with considering of the screen colour shifting.
Here my probe is positioned ~ at the half throw between PJ/screen, the probes "eye" does look exactly in the centre of the PJ projection.
But this is only recommendable, if your Projector has no, or nearly no annoying clouding.

If the PJ has some clouding, maybe I would prefer using the reflective measurement method, so the probe can "see" some of the clouding "mix" of the image on screen.

Margus: If you want to do measurements faced to PJ, don't forget to use the diffuser on the i1Pro2.

Author Margus
#5 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 11:50 
Yes that i meant in the beginning but i figured from Steves response i should look screen not projector.

That way your screen properties are also included to the measurements.

Author buzzard767
#6 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 12:06 
Aim the meter at the center of the screen, project a 100% white field pattern, and adjust the meter until you find the maximum light measurement. That's the sweet spot.

Author Margus
#7 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 12:10 
I wonder how long should it take to Measure in calibration interface usually?

Author Margus
#8 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 12:27 
I'm a bit lost again

First i do Display Characterization with Hybrid + 17 steps and then i go to calibration to start quick profiling ?

I'm i on the rigth track?

Author Steve

#9 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 12:47 
First, all projection should 'always' be profiled off the screen - never directly from the projector. The screen plays a veyr important part in the final image calibration.

Quick Profiling is an alternative to 'Characterisation'.
It is best to use QP first to see what the display profile is like, then use a full Characterisation if needed.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Margus
#10 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 12:54 
Ok i just did oposite.

I did run characterisation and now doing the QP.

I agree with Steve on looking directrly to the screen as this is the place you will bee looking in the suite normally
and differend screens have different refletivity and material properties.

I also see no point calibrating projector only as screen will alter your image then in the chain so to say.

Author Margus
#11 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 13:47 
Sorry to say but i'm lost now.

I did QP but now i m not sure how to save or export any lut.

On manage window i can open and look the profiles i created.

Author Steve

#12 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 13:54 
Full user instructions are all on-line.

See: http://www.lightillusion.com/profiling_manual.html
For Profiling

And: http://www.lightillusion.com/lut_manual.html
For LUT operations.

There are many other pages with workflow descriptions, etc, such as: https://www.lightillusion.com/manual_calibration_guide.html


Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#13 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 14:33 
But, if you still need help, do ask here!!!

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Margus
#14 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 14:33 
It is all a bit confusing to me still

But i will play a bit more.

Author Margus
#15 | Posted: 8 Feb 2013 14:40 
For now i see that just QP went out of gammut a bit and now trying to DC again and see how it goes.

If i master it somehow i try to post step by set how it went.

Now i can see why someone asked for video tutorial as it would be as someone would walk you trough it.

I would gladly contribute my time making something like that if i master the workflow and if it would be ok to do it.

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 i1 PRO 2 and projector calibration


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