Jeti spectraval 1511

The Jeti 1511 is a compact Spectrometer that delivers high quality results, with very accurate measurement capabilities on all display devices.

  • ColourSpace INF/XPT/PRO & HTX/HTP
  • 6+mm Spot Size
  • 1nm Wavelength Resolution
  • 4.5nm Spectral Bandwidth (2nm HiRes version)
  • 0.2 to 140,000 cd/m2
  • Laser Pointer Alignment
spectraval 1511 + Shipping Ex. VAT (Shipping included)
spectraval 1511 HiRes + Shipping Ex. VAT (Shipping included)


The Jeti spectraval 1511 is fast and highly sensitive, covering the wavelength range from 350 to 780nm, and includes an internal target spot laser for alignment. A piezo-electric shutter provides dark signal compensation.

Unlike the spectraval 1501, the spectraval 1511 also includes an in-built display that allows for direct measurement use.

The spectraval 1511 is provided without a Cosine Diffuser as standard, as for display calibration use this is unused. The diffuser can be specified when ordering if required.


  • Spectral range: 380nm - 780nm
  • Optical bandwidth: 4.5nm
    (HiRes 2nm - approx. 6x slower reading speed)
  • Wavelength resolution: 1 nm
  • Digital resolution: 16-bit ADC
  • Viewing angel: 1.8°
  • Measuring Area/Distance: Ø6mm/20cm; Ø31mm/100cm
  • Measuring range: 0.2 - 140,000 cd/m2 @ typical warm white LED
  • Luminance accuracy: ± 4.4% @ 100 cd/m2; illuminant A, k=2
  • Luminance repeatability: ± 1% @ illuminant A
  • Chromaticity accuracy: ± 0.002 xy @ illuminant A
  • Color repeatability: ± 0.0005 xy @ illuminant A
  • CCT repeatability: ± 20K
  • Wavelength accuracy: ± 0.2nm; HgAr line source
    (HiRes ± 0.3nm)
  • Polarization Error f8: < 2%
  • Dispersive element: Imaging grating (flat field)
  • Light element CCD array: 2048 pixel
    (HiRes: 4096 pixels)
  • Power supply: Battery & USB powered
  • PC interface: USB 2.0 fullspeed & Bluetooth
  • Dimensions: 140mm, 115mm, 70mm
  • Weight: 500g
  • Operating Temperature: 10-40°C
  • Operating Humidity: < 85% relative humidity at 35°
  • Calibration: NIST traceable
  • Recommended recalibration: 1 year


  • USB Cable
  • Instructions, LiVal Software, SDK on Bluetooth stick
  • Battery charger & Trigger connection
  • Tripod
  • Carry Case
  • Cosine diffuser (optional ~ £560)
  • Straylight protection tube (optional ~ £185)

Cosine Diffusers must be calibrated with the unit. If a Cosine Diffuser is purchased after the unit has shipped from the factory the unit must be shipped back to the factory in order to get the added accessory properly calibrated with the unit.

Light Illusion can supply any additional accessory as listed on the Jeti website.
Pricing on request.

  • Diffuser for VIS/ NIR
  • Diffuser for VIS/ NIR with increased transmission
  • 90° diffuser
  • Fibre extended diffuser
  • Fibre extended 90° diffuser
  • Dolby 3D filter
  • RealD filter
  • 3D DepthQ polarized filters
  • Focus Add-on for use with add-on optics
  • And more...

The spectraval 1511 should be factory recalibrated/re-certified every year to two years, depending on usage and storage, or when obvious issue are found (after physical shock to the probe for example).
Contact Jeti to schedule recalibration/re-certification.

Straylight Protection Tube
Straylight Protection Tube

spectraval 1511 Alternatives

Light Illusion can supply any Jeti spectraval 1511 probe, or optional accessories.

  • spectraval 1511 HiRes - 2nm (approx 6x slower)
  • spectraval 1511-LAN - Addition of LAN interface
  • spectraval 1511NIR - 350 nm to 1000 nm
  • spectraval 1511 focus
  • Any Accessories


Jeti spectraval 1511
spectraval 1511

ColourSpace Integration

As with all probes, operation and function is controlled via the Probe Options menu, accessed via the Profiling window, with the left-hand side of the menu providing generic probes settings, and the right-hand side settings specific to the spectraval 1511.

Jeti specbos 1211

Sync Frequency

Sync Frequency defines the sync frequency of the probe, with Auto being the default, although Manual can be used if the refresh rate of the display is known.
(If the Jeti shows an adoption error, the frequency will need to be manually set to the video frame-rate.)


Calibration Settings provides generic probe settings.

Average Low Light

Average Low Light is a probe generic option, that averages multiple readings in low-light situations using an advanced algorithm built into ColourSpace. The algorithm varies based on the probe in use to provide the best possible results.

Enable Visible Feedback

Enable Visible Feedback enables the inbuilt laser pointer, assisting with probe alignment when profiling screens from a distance.

Probe Adjustments

Probe Adjustments are generic probes settings, with consistent operation regardless of the probe in use.

Configure Matching

Probe Matching is really unnecessary with the Jeti, as it is a Spectrometer.
The options is provided on a Why Not basis...


Probe Offset enables a user to manually enter offset values for different probes/display combinations.
Perceptual Colour Match is a preferable approach.

Extra Delay

Extra Delay sets a delay time after the patch has changed before probe measurement starts, and can be set automatically via the Auto button, and manages signal path delays in the image pipeline.
When using the Auto option, Average Low Light should not be enabled.