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Unsolicited ColourSpace User Comments

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Author Steve

#91 | Posted: 21 Jan 2022 10:20 
Discussing Calman's Autocal with a well-known display calibration company, who provide high-end calibration training:

"For me, and most the students we teach – autocalibration is not really the "gift from heaven" as many seem to think. I have never used it more than for testing, and in ALL cases I have been faster and more accurate manually (as has our students), than what 'auto calibration' has achieved."

Our thoughts on Autocal

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#92 | Posted: 28 Jan 2022 20:31 
From a well known Color Geek:

"I've used displaycal and calman for years, there will always be a lot of confusion and inconvenience when calibrating.
The decision to buy colourspace recently was the best decision I have ever made, I really like the overall design concept and clear interface of the software."

We really do appreciate such feedback!

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#93 | Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:31 
From a new ColourSpace user, who obviously was using Calman previously...

"After having used ColourSpace for a few weeks now I really can't think of going back to Calman anymore (even just starting it up) and I get a headache when thinking how much money I have spent for that tool )"

Really does say it all...

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#94 | Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:30 
And from a Professional Calibrator, recently swapped from Calman:

"I have been gradually learning to use ColourSpace and finally used it in 'anger' yesterday.

What a breath of fresh air. I was so impressed. It made the creation of a LUT for a MadVR an absolute walk in the park.

I am a bit gob smacked that for all these years ISF and PVA have only trained with Calman.

ColourSpace is not only functional but once learned (which I am still doing) it solidifies one's understanding of colour space and calibration and can only make calibrators far more capable.

Thanks so much for what you and the team have produced, wish I had switched years ago. I would have been a better calibrator for it too."

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#95 | Posted: 21 Feb 2022 13:43 
From a new user, just getting to grips with ColourSpace:

"Honestly ColourSpace has opened my eyes to how my projector functions. Wished I used it on previous projectors."

The advanced data reporting in ColourSpace, including the unique 3D graphs, really do help in understanding underlying issues and possibilities with any displays calibration. One of the big eye-openers for this user was the ability to profile the display to itself, using the Library/Manage/Extract function.
The underlying set-up issues with the projector became immediately apparent.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#96 | Posted: 16 Apr 2022 08:18 
From a Calmam user after trying ColourSpace HTL 5-Day Rental:

"Previously I owned LG C7 and purchased Calman to do a manual calibration. It was ok, and definitely a lot of work.
Few months ago i bought LG C1, and of course. Needed to buy another Calman home license. I just wanted to enjoy the advertised auto calibration that was not available on C7.

For 4 months on and off, I was trying to get a picture quality on C1 I know it is capable of. In short... it was a lot of angry and disappointing moments. SDR never quite satisfying, but HDR was a disaster. No mater what I did, red posterization in shadows, etc... Even went out and bought i1pro2 and additional i1D3.

So maybe problem was not in my equipment or procedure, maybe it really is the calman problem. I read quite a few similar problems I had on forums, with no satisfactory answers. And then I found out about ColourSpace.

Said f*** it and bought HTL rental license. Just to test and confirm/eliminate my suspicion.

Bought the license 3 days ago. Needed to learn everything about ColourSpace, DeviceControl, PGenerator, ... Took the rest of the week off and it was a ride. Running into a wall, searching and immediately finding an answer was something new. LG user guide is also exceptional.
Did a lot of test calibrations, resets, testing with different gamma and white points, and at the moment, all I can say is I was never even remotely so happy with my picture quality.

SDR 2.4@100nits gorgeous, SDR 2.2@200nits gorgeous, HDR cinema & game... gorgeous, DV cinema... again... gorgeous
For proof I attached my report...

Of course there are a few things I could improve to run for world record dE )).

Although I am very satisfied with my calibrated TV, I would like to purchase a full HTL license. Just to support further development of the platform and in a way to say thank you for all the support and knowledge posted on forums.

Question I have is, if it is possible to take into account that I already bought rental license? Or do I need to pay full price?"

And yes, as it says on the Rental page of the website, If a full ColourSpace license is purchased within 10 days of a Rental license purchase, the rental cost will be refunded, and which is what this user did, and he now has a full ColourSpace HTL license.


report.pdf Attached file:

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#97 | Posted: 21 Apr 2022 13:56 
Just a simple one-line comment from a professional AV installation company, recently upgraded to ColourSpace HTL from Calman:

"...I am loving ColourSpace for myself after transitioning from calman. Bit of a learning curve but worth it!"

Simple, but to the point

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#98 | Posted: 19 May 2022 15:19 
From a different AV Forum:

"I must admit, I'm pretty new to this, and I bought Calman because it seemed the easiest to use and most popular. I regret it now. I should have spent the extra money and bought Colourspace since it works with 2022 models, and it doesnt require buying it over and over every time I get a new TV. Lesson learned, guess I'll throw that $200CAD out the window and buy Colourspace."

Unfortunately, we hear this far too often...

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author GammaLyrae
#99 | Posted: 14 Jun 2022 21:04 
Bought calman home. It's ease of use was appealing (click a few buttons in a hand held order, get a calibration), and the charts it showed at the end felt good. But the picture never looked quite right. It was also extremely frustrating that the work flow required you to profile the screen any time you wanted to make a change (try a different edr, try a different black level compensation setting, try a different Gamma curve, calibrate a different input, etc).

Gave up on it after the reality of the viewing experience didn't line up with what the calman charts were showing.

Found out about ColourSpace through random chance. It looked complicated. But the online manuals and extensive video guides made it possible to understand a little bit at a time, each new thing I learned gave me a point of reference to make it easier to keep learning. I decided to give it a chance and bought an HTL level license. After a good chunk of experimentation, learning the limitations of a colorimeter-only calibration, limitations of the LG oled panel, and general unavailability of EDR or equivalent profiles for the new WBE panels, I decided to order an i1 pro 3 to compliment my i1d3.

My TV doesn't have a lot of hours on it (only 150 so far), so it hasn't felt worth it to follow the guide and do a proper full patch set for it (the number of patches and recommended settings place it in the 2-4 hour ballpark to profile the display). But I did feel it was worth taking 30~ minutes to pre-calibrate my white point and do a (relatively) fast 11^3 profile. The results were immediately noticeable, far better than the out of the box performance of the panel. The i1 pro 3 is not going to serve as a reference quality meter, but to my amateur eye, the white point looks good, reds aren't oversaturated anymore, and there's much cleaner separation between red, orange, yellow, and green than I had out of the box or with an i1d3 only profile of the TV. The quality of the color looks much closer to some RGB oleds I have access to (my smartphone, an OLED edition of the Nintendo switch), as well as a quantum dot LCD panel from Samsung, and other panel types that have a spectral power distribution with very distinct/separate red, green, and blue output.

I look forward to following the guide and doing a more comprehensive profile of the screen once I have closer to 250~ hours. Very happy with the results. Can't see myself ever using calman software again, not when ColourSpace is so powerful.

Author Steve

#100 | Posted: 15 Jun 2022 10:16 
Thanks for that review.
We really appreciate you taking the time to post that message, and your positive comments.

The LG Calibration Guide has been written by users, for users, rather than by Light Illusion, and I am sure they also appreciated your positive feedback!

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#101 | Posted: 5 Aug 2022 15:57 
From an alternative AV forum post:

"Sorry, I don't have enough experience with Calman Autocal to comment on what's best. However, I am comfortable saying manual calibration with ZRO can yield a great result, and with the updates to Pgen 1.3, offers 10 bit YCC output which I believe Calman autocal can not."

And a follow-up post on the same thread:

"I've used Calman Autocal on my A80J and have performed a manual calibration using ColourSpaceZRO, with both 8 bit and 10 bit patches.

As @Lttlwing16 mentioned, Calman can only use 8 bit patches for calibration.

I found using ColourSpaceZRO achieved slightly better results compared to Calman using 8 bit patches, and noticeably better results using 10 bit YCbCr 4:2:2 patches, being that the latter is what's recommended when calibrating Sony displays.

The better results with ColourSpaceZRO as compared to Calman may have a lot to do the method by which the respective software go about their meter profiling (called "Probe Matching" by ColourSpace).

Probe matching on ColourSpaceZRO is exceptional. It really does make a colorimeter as accurate as a spectro, and the results can be verified. @Lttlwing16 has provided a probe matching verification method for both 8 bit and 10 bit patches. I believe more info on the verification method can be found in the CS ZRO forum.

I found meter profiling on Calman to very much be a "hope for the best" proposition, where I needed to go through the process a few times before I achieved what I would consider a useable profile. The resulting "useable" profile was not as accurate as what is produced by ColourSpace's method."
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#102 | Posted: 1 Oct 2022 07:41 
A direct email from a very happy ColourSpace user:

"I just wanted to take a few minutes and thank you for having created ColourSpace, and updating it regularly and providing great customer support.  I have used Calman, HCFR and ChromaPure, and without a doubt ColourSpace is the best of the lot.  It does require some commitment on the part of the end-user, but with all the material you have on-line, it is well worth the effort (I have read and watched them multiple times!).  Not only do your written and video guides help you with ColourSpace, but perhaps more importantly, they also help you with the art of science of display characterization and calibration.  The more I learn, the more I realize how powerful ColourSpace really is; and I know that I have only scratched the surface about what all it can do.

The bottom line is that after having used ColourSpace successfully, I can now enjoy content the way it is meant to be enjoyed ; the difference/improvement from the other calibration software results is not subtle.  So thanks again!"
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#103 | Posted: 25 Oct 2022 13:11 
And a comment about MatchLight, from a recent ColourSpace and MatchLight customer:

"I've been doing a lot of experimentation with MatchLight. and found the option Uniform super interesting, because it seems to calculate a better matrix than, lets say, Imatest.
I normally use Freeform Clip. but you need very rich data, to get the right results and , and sometimes a matrix works better to get more linear results."

We do really appreciate such comments.
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#104 | Posted: 8 Nov 2022 22:01 
From a different AV forum, from a new ColourSpace ZRO user:

"So, now that I've had a little time using ZRO with the Pi400 & Ted's pgen template/10b patches I have to say I'm really enjoying this workflow. With PGen I can quickly try different options at each stage to see which produces the least errors. From choosing between 4:4:4/8-bit and 4:2:2/10-bit, 2-point adjusting to R, G or B line, trying each gamma preset, checking luminance at 75% or 100%, etc. Basically there's little penalty for running multiple profiles to find the best starting point for each step...

I also really like the custom patch lists. It's very easy to swap in values from different lists. For example, my TV has 11-pt white balance so I just copied the 5% numbers from 21-pt into the 10-pt to get my 11 adjustment values in a custom patch list."
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#105 | Posted: 19 Nov 2022 18:54 
And another new ColourSpace ZRO user:

"Bye bye Calman Home
Today I purchased the Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk for PGenerator Digital Download, and ColourSpaceZRO.
(Later I would like to upgrade to HTL license (I'm a poor guy) "
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

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 Unsolicited ColourSpace User Comments


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