I tried running a full Factory Reset on the 42C4 yet again. Nothing changed. Neither ColourSpace, nor bscpylgtvcommand is able to start calibration mode. The issue is the same for the 42C4 and the 55C4 (both on the same, latest firmware). BTW, these are EU models (I am in Hungary).
I have ZERO issues engaging calibration mode on a 55CX that's on the same network. The CX works with both ColourSpace and bscpylgtvcommand.
I also tried to directly wire up the laptop and the 42C4 with an UTP cable and using manually configured IP addresses with WiFi turned off on both devices (TV and laptop). The issue remains. I can't engage calibration mode.
My Service Menu is also unlocked (I turned TPC and GSR off but didn't change anything else). But I tried locking it again.
This is the bscpylgtvcommand output:
PS C:\bscpylgtvcommand> .\bscpylgtvcommand.exe start_calibration expert2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Progs\bscpylgtv\bscpylgtvcommand.py", line 4, in <module> File "bscpylgtv\utils.py", line 111, in bscpylgtvcommand File "asyncio\runners.py", line 43, in run File "asyncio\base_events.py", line 616, in run_until_complete File "bscpylgtv\utils.py", line 18, in runloop File "bscpylgtv\webos_client.py", line 2583, in start_calibration File "bscpylgtv\webos_client.py", line 2577, in calibration_request File "bscpylgtv\webos_client.py", line 671, in request bscpylgtv.exceptions.PyLGTVCmdError: {'type': 'error', 'id': 0, 'error': '500 Application error', 'payload': {'returnValue': False, 'errorCode': 20, 'errorMessage': 'Driver error while executing the command'}} [17300] Failed to execute script 'bscpylgtvcommand' due to unhandled exception! |