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LG C4 caliibration issue

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Author janos666
#1 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 11:57 
I am trying to calibrate two LG C4 WOLED TVs with ColourSpace but I have a strange blocking issue.
Colourspace can connect to the IP adresses of both TVs. The TVs ask for remote control permission as usual (I obviously click on YES) and the green indicator in ColourSpace says "Connected".

The problem is that I am unable to upload the built-in Unity Bypass LUT to any LUT slots on either of the two TVs. I can't even put the TVs into calibration mode with the "LG Interactive controls".
The error message is always an instant "Could not select desired picture mode" (there is no lag between issuing the command and the error apearing).

There is an older LG CX in a adjecent room (on the same netwok) and I can control that with this ColorSpace version as usual without any error. So it's probably not a network issue.

The firmware version on the C4 TVs is 23.20.36
I tried disconncting the TV from the power socket for a few minutes and also carried out a Factory Reset but nothing seems to help.

I can't find and older version of ColourSpace in the download section to see if downgrading would help.

The biggest issue is that I have to calibrate at least one of the TVs today (SOS, ASAP, panic, etc).

It's also strange that the internal pattern generator works just fine on both TVs. Only the LUT upload fails (I tried several picture modes and both 1D and 3D LUT slots. Nothing works). But that's the only thing I need (the LUT upload capability).

Does anybody have any ideas?

Author Steve

#2 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 12:12 
Unfortunately, as we have had no reports of any issues from amy other users, we can't even guess as to what the issue may be.
We do not have a C4 to hand, so can't run any tests for you either.

Hopefully another C4 user may have some input?

But, that error does suggest the TV is not a C4, but a B4 (or similar) as they use a different LUT size, which is not presently supported.
Or the video input setting (colour space) is not valid for the selected LUT Upload slot.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author ConnecTED
#3 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 12:18 
Try to use the LG 2023 Template with DeviceControl to see if it's working.

Author janos666
#4 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 15:15 
I can't even connect to the device with DeviceControl.

Author janos666
#5 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 15:29 
ColourSpace connects successfully, but can't do anything with the C4 TVs. The CX on the same network works fine with ColourSpace.

Author janos666
#6 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 15:31 
Is it possible that LG changed something with the latest firmware? It was released just a few days ago and the person who set up the room led it updating to the latest version.

Author janos666
#7 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 18:57 
How long do you think it would take to fix it in case the problem is the new LG firmware. Because we are on a very tight schedule here.

Do you think this also affects Calman? Because, as I remember, Calman allows the user to upload any custom 3DLUT after some Notepad editing and/or Excel row shifting (I didn't do this for years, so I can't remember how I did this exactly and the option might be gone in new Calman versions). So, I could theoretically upload a ColourSpace made 3DLUT with Calman (if I bought an LG Home license just for this). But it 50/50 if the firmware change also broke Calman's ability to upload LUTs.

Author Steve

#8 | Posted: 12 Nov 2024 19:10 
Please see below - ColourSpace works correctly with the LG C4 and the latest LG firmware.
There must be something different/wrong with your configuration.
Sorry to say, we have no idea what that could be.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author ebr9999
#9 | Posted: 13 Nov 2024 06:35 
I can't even connect to the device with DeviceControl.

Set 3001ssl as port number, otherwise you cannot connect (at least that how it works on my C1 and C2)

To tell, I have no issue with CS on my C1 and my C2. The only difference between then is that, on C2, I have a message from TV asking for acknowledging a new device connection. Do you have such a message on your C4?

Author janos666
#10 | Posted: 13 Nov 2024 09:34 
Yes, a request pops up when I connect to the TV with ColourSpace. I obviously click on Yes. The TV does not react when I try to put the TV into calibration mode.
There is no other request on subsequent re-connections, only for the first time after the TV was turned on.

Author ebr9999
#11 | Posted: 13 Nov 2024 11:04 
I think that, it you connect with DC, you can troubleshoot to some extend.
In addition you can use a traceip program (I use Wireshark), filter on IP address and send tracing to Steve

Author ConnecTED
#12 | Posted: 13 Nov 2024 13:54 
You are attempting to connect without SSL, but your TV model can only connect using SSL.

You still need to submit a request for the LG template. DeviceControl supports log files to assist with debugging. You can also check the DOS window information when something is not functioning.

Author adolfotregosa
#13 | Posted: 13 Nov 2024 19:32 

Colorspace works fine for me. I tested on firmware .35 and upgraded to .36 and retested.
PS: Dunno if it matters but I unlocked my service menu.

For devicecontrol to work, port has to be 3001ssl

Author Steve

#14 | Posted: 13 Nov 2024 19:49 
Thanks for the testing Adolfo - much appreciated!

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author janos666
#15 | Posted: 14 Nov 2024 11:22 
I tried running a full Factory Reset on the 42C4 yet again. Nothing changed. Neither ColourSpace, nor bscpylgtvcommand is able to start calibration mode. The issue is the same for the 42C4 and the 55C4 (both on the same, latest firmware). BTW, these are EU models (I am in Hungary).

I have ZERO issues engaging calibration mode on a 55CX that's on the same network. The CX works with both ColourSpace and bscpylgtvcommand.

I also tried to directly wire up the laptop and the 42C4 with an UTP cable and using manually configured IP addresses with WiFi turned off on both devices (TV and laptop). The issue remains. I can't engage calibration mode.

My Service Menu is also unlocked (I turned TPC and GSR off but didn't change anything else). But I tried locking it again.

This is the bscpylgtvcommand output:

PS C:\bscpylgtvcommand> .\bscpylgtvcommand.exe start_calibration expert2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Progs\bscpylgtv\bscpylgtvcommand.py", line 4, in <module>
File "bscpylgtv\utils.py", line 111, in bscpylgtvcommand
File "asyncio\runners.py", line 43, in run
File "asyncio\base_events.py", line 616, in run_until_complete
File "bscpylgtv\utils.py", line 18, in runloop
File "bscpylgtv\webos_client.py", line 2583, in start_calibration
File "bscpylgtv\webos_client.py", line 2577, in calibration_request
File "bscpylgtv\webos_client.py", line 671, in request
bscpylgtv.exceptions.PyLGTVCmdError: {'type': 'error', 'id': 0, 'error': '500 Application error', 'payload': {'returnValue': False, 'errorCode': 20, 'errorMessage': 'Driver error while executing the command'}}
[17300] Failed to execute script 'bscpylgtvcommand' due to unhandled exception!

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 LG C4 caliibration issue


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