Hi everyone,
First of all. thanks steve for building this space, It has been almost a year i'm documenting over the web, trying to find answers, i just collected more and more uncertainties...
Ok, this is one of my first experiences, where i have to create a DCP after grading. I got a JVC DLA-X70R. white point is (quite close to) x 0.314 y 0.351 mesured with lightspace and a Hubble probe, as the DCI spec says.
Then went the check in a theater. Happy with the contrast, i just noticed that my picture was a bit warmer. So I mesured in this theater the with point, gamma and gammut with a bunch of patches.
Results : gamma 2.6 : correct, gammut correct and...white point : x 0.322 and y 0.362 which corresponds to approximatively 5900K whereas DCI white point is about 6300K. So, i was happy, this explains the wamer picture.
But...by chance, the theater was calibrated a few days before i came for my tests, and i was able to speak to the guy who was doing the calibration. He told me that the white point for the calibration was x 0.314 y 0.351 : 6300K
... .... ...

I have to tell, that this guy didn't seem to be unexperienced at all, i'm curently waiting for his input about this post. I'm sure he did that in purpose.
So, here is my theory :
In lightspace, there is 2 kind of DCI, the D55 and the D65 (i work with the D65, by the way, why do we call it DCI D65 since the white point is 6300K...). Here is my guess : Since there is this 2 type of standarts, 5900K is just in the middle of 5500K-6300K, this is the best way no to disturb anyone since there are states that use one of the standart instead of the other.
Here is my questions :
- does anyone experience this kind of white point shift in their reference theaters?
- does anyone agree with my theory?
- Is there areas (like PAL SECAM and NTSC) where DCI D55 is advocated instead of DCI D65?
- what about the third DCI template in lightspace : the DCI XYZ? I understood that it does the XYZ conversion, but what does become the white point ?
Thanks for sharing your experiences