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Bugs & WIBNIs Light Illusion Forums / Bugs & WIBNIs /  

Can Custom Patch Size/Background Settings remain in place until program shutdown? [Not a Bug]

Author RollsRoyce
#1 | Posted: 20 Apr 2024 15:24 
Hi, Steve. I realize this may not be a priority for your team, but I'd like to throw it out there.
We just bought a new TV, and our current physical setup requires me to position the meter slightly off-center on the screen and off the screen surface. I can use the ColourSpace Custom patch position settings to shift the patches so I don't read any of the background color. However, once I've finished looking at the results, beginning a new run causes the patches to shift back to center screen regardless of what values are in the positioning windows. I have to go back to the settings, click in any of the position or size windows, and then tab out of it to get the patch to return to the commanded position. Patch size doesn't change, only screen position. I'd like to see the custom settings remain as set until the Profiling window or the main program is closed.
Thanks for providing us DIY folks with a great toolset!
PS I'm using PGenerator 1.6 just in case it's an issue with that and not ColourSpace.

Author Steve

#2 | Posted: 20 Apr 2024 15:32 
That actually sounds like a bug!
We will run some checks.

Such settings should be remembered via the 'Workflows' capabilities, and recalled based on the selected Workflow when opening a Profiling window.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#3 | Posted: 20 Apr 2024 21:52 
I've just run tests, and cannot replicate the issue...
The offset values stay exactly as they are set, both numerically, and in the actual patch position.

Can you define a way to replicate?

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author RollsRoyce
#4 | Posted: 21 Apr 2024 11:33 
Steve, I'll try later today, and post what I find. Thanks for looking into it.

Author Steve

#5 | Posted: 21 Apr 2024 12:14 
Had a thought.
What TPG are you using?
It may be an issue with the TPG itself.
As I'm on a beach, I tested with the various software TPGs (Calibration Client, Dogegen...), as well as the pop-out floating TPG window.
(Note: madTGP doesn't use the position commands.)

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author RollsRoyce
#6 | Posted: 21 Apr 2024 13:43 
Steve, I'm using PGenerator 1.6 on a Raspberry Pi 4, connected via USB.
I've looked at the Default workflow (which I'm using), and it captures patch size (Custom) and area (2), but not position settings. I've been testing, too, and so far, the patch position has held steady as set when switching back and forth between Manual readings and multiple Characterization runs. I AM using the Virtual Probe to speed things up, but I can't imagine that making any difference.

Author Steve

#7 | Posted: 21 Apr 2024 13:52 
The Patch Position info is indeed stored in Workflows. But only the basic settings are listed there.
Basically, all settings are saved in Workflows.

So this looks to be specific to the PGen.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author RollsRoyce
#8 | Posted: 21 Apr 2024 18:08 
More info: I have switched the connection to the PGenerator from USB to direct Ethernet, and the patch position has remained stable during switches from manual reads to Characterization runs and back again. The USB connection I used was through a USB-A (USB 2.0 port) to USB-C cable. My calibration laptop only has USB 2 and 3 ports, so I don't have USB C -to- USB C. I don't know if this might have any bearing, but I wanted to mention it

Author Steve

#9 | Posted: 22 Apr 2024 11:52 
That suggests an issue with PGen.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author RollsRoyce
#10 | Posted: 22 Apr 2024 13:04 
Looks like I'll be sticking with direct Ethernet for the foreseeable future. It's what I've used most of the time with the PGenerator anyway. The calibration this weekend connected to the PGenerator via USB was only on a whim, attempting to reduce the number of cables and wires I have strung out during the process.
Thanks for looking into it, Steve.

Author Steve

#11 | Posted: 22 Apr 2024 14:58 
When I get off this beach I will test with my PGen, as I always use a USB-C connection for both power and control.

Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

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Bugs & WIBNIs Light Illusion Forums / Bugs & WIBNIs /
 Can Custom Patch Size/Background Settings remain in place until program shutdown? [Not a Bug]


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