
DeviceControl is a browser based control program that can be used with PGenerator, LG, Sony, and Panasonic TVs, as well as Lumagen LUT boxes.

  • ColourSpace compatible
  • Multiple TV models
  • PGenerator compatible
  • LG TV LUT management
  • Compatible with Ted's LightSpace Disc Patterns



DeviceControl is a useful program for those that like access to different capabilities beyond those available within ColourSpace, such as basic direct display control (DDC) of TVs such as Panasonic and Sony, as well as the ability to display multiple test patterns, such as Ted's LightSpace Disc Patterns.

DeviceControl uses different Templates to provide different capabilities and options, with the various Templates accessible via DeviceControl itself.


DeviceControl needs top be installed and setup before it can be used with any of the available Device Templates, including for PGenerator, and LG TV calibration.

  • Install the correct DeviceControl version for you PC - 32 bit, or 64 bit
    (After installation, Perl will be installed, if not already present)
  • DeviceControl will then run, showing a CMD window
    (Ignore any error message on the first run!)
  • Open a Web Browser, and browse to http://localhost:81

DeviceControl is now ready for use.

Initially, the DeviceControl page will be predominantly blank, until the first New Device is created.
(If you have an existing web based account, but are on a new PC, a New Device will need to be made before the web account can be accessed. When starting DeviceControl after having previous setup an account, )

  • Select New, and then New Device
  • From the pop-up window select the desired Device Type
  • Generic HTTP - Devices that implement http protocols; Denon Amplifier
  • Generic Infrared - Devices that have infrared receivers (requires an ir sender adapter)
  • Generic NoIp - Select this device type to create templates without having a true device connected
  • Generic OpenWebNet - Devices with OpenWebNet protocol; Bticino MyHomeServer
  • Generic TcpIp - Devices that requires a tcp connection;. Sony WOLED AF9
  • Generic WebSocket - Devices that reqire a WebSocket connection; LG WOLED
  • Lumagen Radiance20xx - Lumagen Radience image processors
  • Panasonic xxxx - Panasonic TVs
  • RB8 PGenerator - PGenerator TPG

The only Device Type of real interest for use with ColourSpace is Generic WebSocket, as that is the communication type use for LG TVs, and the calibration of LG TVs is the main benefit for ColourSpace users.
(PGenerator may also be of use, if using PGenerator with additional test patterns, not just for direct integration with ColourSpace, such as from

  • With Generic WebSocket selected, enter the LG TV IP address
    (If the IP address is unknown at this time, it can be modified later via the Modify option)
  • Enter a Device Name that is suitable for the Device Type, such as LG TV
  • Use the Pen icon to save the new Device Type

After defining a new Device Type, DeviceControl will be less Blank, but will still show little information.
The main Top Bar will now show the Device Type Name used when setting up the first Device Type, as well as a Connect button. Below that will be options for Modify, Cloud, Sort, as well as the original New and ? options.

There will also be two predominantly blank panels, Local and Cloud, where different Templates can be accessed and saved as required.

For new users, the Cloud user window is of initial interest, and the Cloud option in the top menu can be used to set-up a Cloud User.

  • Select Cloud, and then click the Cloud User option
  • Either enter your existing Cloud User credentials, or enter a new Username and Password to setup a new Cloud User account
  • If setting up a new Cloud User account, reselect the Cloud option, and click Cloud Refresh
    (The Cloud User panel will update with freely available Templates for the Device Type, if available)

Access to the required LG Templates, as well as the required unlock password, will need to be requested via the form on Scroll down until the form is visible.

Only use the LG Template Request Form after a Cloud User account has been setup.
Access will also only be provided to users with valid ColourSpace licenses

  • Any Template visible in the Cloud user panel can be drag-and-dropped into the Local user panel
  • Click on the required Template from within the Local or Cloud user panel to open it
    (Locked Templates must be moved into the Local user panel to enable unlocking and opening)
  • For the locked LG Templates use the provided password to unlock them

From this point, follow the instructions provided via the LG Templates page.

To re-run DeviceControl at any later time after installation, select DeviceControl form the Programs menu to run the CMD window, and then open a Web Browser, and browse to http://localhost:81.


A new version of DeviceControl can be checked for using the ? option within the main DeviceControl menu.

The Cloud option can then be used to update the various templates a user has access to.

DeviceControl Operation

Dedicated advanced user guides for all aspects of DeviceControl can be provided by Ted at