ColourSpace can be integrated with AccuPel Test Patch Generators for accurate patch generation, enabling Closed Loop display profiling and calibration.
- Closed Loop Profiling
- TPG Operation
Although the Accupel has not been available for purchase for some time, ColourSpace integration remains for those that have access to available systems.
The following AccuPel models are ColourSpace Integrated:
DVG-5000 & DGA-6000
ColourSpace Integration
AccuPel operation and function is controlled via the Hardware Options menu, accessed via the Profiling window.
Initial Setup
All AccuPel models are configured in the same way.
- If required, make sure the correct drivers are installed
(If necessary, verify via Windows Device Manager) - Connect input/output HDMI cables to the AccuPel, connecting the HDMI out to the display to be profiled/calibrated
(It may be necessary to have a valid HDMI signal input into the AccuPel) - Connect the AccuPel to the ColourSpace laptop via a USB cable, and start ColourSpace
(Make sure the AccuPel is set to the default Baud rate of 9600, 8-N-1, and no flow control) - Set the desired set-up options via the Settings menu, as required
- Open a ColourSpace Profiling window, select Hardware Options, and select AccuPel from the Hardware drop-down list
- Select the correct Serial Port for connection, and select Connect
- Use the Signal Range selection within AccuPel Options to select Video or Data range, as required
- Using Calibration Patches select the desired patch option to use for profiling
(If possible, Automatic uses the patch settings defined within the ColourSpace Settings window, or else the closest available patch settings) - The AccuPel Options menu provides access to AccuPel HDR options
Note: The keyboard 'O' key can be used within the Hardware and Manual Measure menus to quickly Disable/Enable the TPG
As soon as a Calibration Patches selection is made the output of the AccuPel will display the patch colour as defined within the ColourSpace Manual Measure and Characterisation menus.
Profiling Operation
To use the AccuPel as a Patch Generator with ColourSpace navigate to the desired profiling mode - Manual Measure, or Display Characterisation.
Output of the AccuPel will mimic the colour displayed, using the patch settings defined via the Hardware Options and Settings menus.
Profiling can then be performed as normal, using the probe connected to ColourSpace, and with the AccuPel displaying the required patches on the display being profiled.
After profiling, a Calibration LUT can be generated as normal within ColourSpace LUT Tools, and used where required, either within a grading system, a LUT box, or uploaded directly into a suitable display.